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File:Aid recipients. $ per capita, 2007.PNG
Aid received, per capita, in 2007, in $ of Official Development Assistance per person.
Note that grey countries can either be non-recipients or ones for which data is unavailable. The data were converted into dollars using exchange rates, hence may not accurately reflect the purchasing power of the foreign aid received.



This entry refers to net official development assistance (ODA) from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations to developing countries and multilateral organizations. ODA is defined as financial assistance that is concessional in character, has the main objective to promote economic development and welfare of the less developed countries (LDCs), and contains a grant element of at least 25%. The entry does not cover other official flows (OOF) or private flows. These figures are calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms.

Land Wirtschaftshilfe
AustralienODA, $894 million (FY99/00)
BelgienODA, $1.072 billion (2002)
DänemarkODA, $2.13 billion (2005)
DeutschlandODA, $5.6 billion (1998)
FinnlandODA, $850.5 million (2005)
FrankreichODA, $12 billion (2006)
GroßbritannienODA, $10.7 billion (2005)
IrlandODA, $719 million (2005)
Island$6.7 million (2004)
ItalienODA, $1 billion (2002 est.)
JapanODA, $7.5 billion (2007)
KanadaODA, $3.9 billion (2007)
Korea, RepublikODA, $455.3 million (2006)
LesothoODA $4.4 million
LuxemburgODA, $235.6 million (2004)
NeuseelandODA, $276 million (2006 est.)
NiederlandeODA, $4 billion (2003 est.)
NorwegenODA, $1.4 billion (1998)
ÖsterreichODA, $681 million (2004)
PortugalODA, $271 million (1995)
Saudi-Arabiensince 2002, Saudi Arabia has provided more than $480 million in budgetary support to the Palestinian Authority, supported Palestinian refugees through contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), provided more than $250 million to Arab League funds for the Palestinians, and pledged $500 million in assistance over the next three years at the Donors Conference in Dec 2007; pledged $230 million to development in Afghanistan; pledged $1 billion in export guarantees and soft loans to Iraq; pledged $133 million in direct grant aid, $187 million in concessional loans, and $153 million in export credits for Pakistan earthquake relief; pledged a total of $1.59 billion to Lebanon in assistance and deposits to the Central Bank of Lebanon in 2006 and pledged an additional $1.1 billion in early 2007
SchwedenODA, $1.7 billion (1997)
SchweizODA, $1.1 billion (1995)
SpanienODA, $1.33 billion (1999)
Vereinigte Arabische Emiratesince its founding in 1971, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development has given about $5.2 billion in aid to 56 countries (2004)
Vereinigte StaatenODA, $6.9 billion (1997)


This entry, which is subject to major problems of definition and statistical coverage, refers to the net inflow of Official Development Finance (ODF) to recipient countries. The figure includes assistance from the World Bank, the IMF, and other international organizations and from individual nation donors. Formal commitments of aid are included in the data. Omitted from the data are grants by private organizations. Aid comes in various forms including outright grants and loans. The entry thus is the difference between new inflows and repayments. These figures are calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms.

Land Wirtschaftshilfe
Afghanistan$2.775 billion international pledges made by more than 60 countries and international financial institutions at the Berlin Donors Conference for Afghan reconstruction in March 2004 reached $8.9 billion for 2004-09 (2005)
ÄgyptenODA, $925.9 million (2005)
AlbanienODA: $318.7 million; note: top donors were Italy, EU, Germany (2005 est.)
Algerien$370.6 million (2005 est.)
Amerikanische Jungferninseln$NA
Amerikanisch-Samoaimportant financial support from the US, more than $40 million in 1994
Angola$441.8 million (2005)
Anguilla$9 million (2004 est.)
Antigua und Barbuda$7.23 million (2005)
Äquatorialguinea$39 million (2005)
Argentinien$99.66 million (2005)
ArmenienODA, $180 million (2007)
Aruba$11.3 million (2004)
AserbaidschanODA, $223.4 million (2005 est.)
Äthiopien$1.6 billion (FY05/06)
Bahamas$4.78 million (2004)
Bahrain$103.9 million; note - $50 million annually since 1992 from the UAE and Kuwait (2004)
Bangladesch$1.321 billion (2005)
Barbados$2.07 million (2005)
Belarus$53.76 million (2005)
Belize$12.91 million (2005)
Benin$374.7 million (2006)
Bermuda$90,000 (2004)
Bhutan$90.02 million; note - substantial aid from India (2005)
Bolivien$582.9 million (2005 est.)
Bosnien und Herzegowina$546.1 million (2005 est.)
Botsuana$70.89 million (2005)
Brasilien$191.9 million (2005)
Britische Jungferninseln$NA
Brunei Darussalam$770,000 (2004)
Bulgarien$742 million (2005-06 est.)
Burkina Faso$659.6 million (2005)
Burundi$365 million (2005)
Cabo Verde$160.6 million (2005)
Chile$0 (2006)
China$1.641 billion (FY07)
Cookinseln$13.1 million; note - New Zealand continues to furnish the greater part (1995)
Costa Rica$29.51 million (2005)
Côte d'IvoireODA, $119.1 million (2005 est.)
Dominica$15.17 million (2005 est.)
Dominikanische Republik$76.99 million (2005)
Dschibuti$78.6 million (2005)
Ecuador$209.5 million (2005)
El Salvador$267.6 million of which $55 million from US (2005)
Eritrea$355.2 million (2005)
Estland$135.5 million (2004)
Eswatini$46.03 million (2005)
Falklandinseln$0 (1997 est.)
Färöer$105 million; note - annual subsidy from Denmark (2005)
Fidschi$63.96 million (2005)
Französisch-GuayanaNA (1995)
Französisch-Polynesien$579.8 million (2004)
Gabun$53.87 million (2005)
Gambia$58.15 million (2005)
Gazastreifen$1.4 billion; (includes West Bank) (2006 est.)
GeorgienODA, $309.8 million (2005 est.)
Ghana$1.316 billion in loans and grants (2007)
Grenada$44.87 million (2005)
Griechenland$8 billion annually from EU (2000-06); Greece will receive about $3.8 billion per year between 2007-13 under the EU's Community Support Funds IV
Grönland$512 million; note - subsidy from Denmark (2005)
Guadeloupe$NA; note - substantial annual French subsidies (1995)
GuamGuam receives large transfer payments from the US Federal Treasury ($143 million in 1997) into which Guamanians pay no income or excise taxes; under the provisions of a special law of Congress, the Guam Treasury, rather than the US Treasury, receives federal income taxes paid by military and civilian Federal employees stationed in Guam (2001 est.)
Guatemala$253.6 million (2005 est.)
Guinea$182.1 million (2005)
Guinea-Bissau$79.12 million (2005)
Guyana$136.8 million (1995), Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative (HIPC) $253 million (1997) (2005)
Haiti$515 million (2005 est.)
Honduras$680.8 million (2005)
Hongkong$6.95 million (2004)
Indien$1.724 billion (2005)
IndonesienODA, $2.524 billion (2006 est.); note: Indonesia ended 2006 with $67 billion in official foreign debt (about 25% of GDP), with Japan ($25 billion), the World Bank ($8.5 billion) and the Asian Development Bank ($8.4 billion) as the largest creditors; about $6 billion in grant assistance w
Insel Man$NA
Irak$21.65 billion $13.5 billion pledged in foreign aid for 2004-07 from outside of the US, over $33 billion pledged total (2005)
Iran$104 million (2005 est.)
Israel$240 million from US (FY06)
Jamaika$35.74 million (2005)
Jemen$2.3 billion (2003-07 disbursements)
JordanienODA, $752 million (2005 est.)
Kaimaninseln$390,000 (2004)
Kambodscha$698.2 million pledged in grants and concession loans for 2007 by international donors (2007)
Kamerun$413.8 million in January 2001, the Paris Club agreed to reduce Cameroon's debt of $1.3 billion by $900 million; debt relief now totals $1.26 billion (2005)
Kasachstan$229.2 million (2005)
Katar$2.18 million (2004)
Kenia$768.3 million (2005)
Kirgisistan$268.5 million from the US (2005)
Kiribati$27.84 million largely from UK and Japan (2005)
Kokosinseln (Keelinginseln)$NA
Kolumbien$511.1 million (2005)
Komoren$25.23 million (2005 est.)
Kongo$1.449 billion (2005)
Kongo, Demokratische Republik$1.828 billion (2005)
Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik$372 million; note: approximately 65,000 metric tons in food aid through the World Food Program appeals in 2007, plus additional aid from bilateral donors and non-governmental organizations (2007 est.)
Korea, Republik$68.07 million (2004)
Kosovo$252 million (2006)
KroatienODA, $125.4 million (2005)
Kuba$87.8 million (2005 est.)
Kuwait$2.6 million (2004)
Laos$379 million (2006 est.)
Lesotho$68.82 million (2005)
Lettland$162 million (2004)
LibanonOf the $7.6 billion in grants and loans pledged to Lebanon at the Paris III conference in January 2007, Beirut as of mid-December 2007 had signed agreements for $3 billion, including $1 billion in project financing, $750 million in direct budget support, $750 million in private sector credit, and $285 million in in-kind aid. About $500 million of the $1.7 billion pledged for direct budget support has been disbursed to Lebanon. Donors in August 2006 also pledged nearly $1.8 billion in aid to help Lebanon recover from the 2006 Israel-Hizballah war. During the conflict, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait provided $1.5 billion in concessional loans to the Lebanese central bank to maintain confidence in the Lebanese currency. (2005)
Liberia$236.2 million (2005)
LibyenODA, $24.44 million (2005 est.)
Litauen$249.7 million (2004)
Macau$13.7 million (2004)
Madagaskar$929.2 million (2005)
Malawi$575.3 million (2005)
Malaysia$31.6 million (2005)
Malediven$66.83 million (2005)
Mali$691.5 million (2005)
Malta$6.19 million (2004)
MarokkoODA, $651.8 million (2005)
Marshallinseln$56.56 million more than $1 billion from the US, 1986-2002 (2005)
Martinique$NA; note - substantial annual aid from France (1998)
Mauretanien$190.4 million (2005)
Mauritius$31.93 million (2005)
Mayotte$201.3 million; note - extensive French financial assistance (2005)
Mexiko$189.4 million (2005)
Mikronesien$106.4 million
Moldau$191.8 million (2005)
Mongolei$211.9 million (2005)
MontserratCountry Policy Plan (2001) is a three-year program for spending $122.8 million in British budgetary assistance (2002 est.)
Mosambik$1.286 billion (2005)
Myanmar$144.7 million (2005 est.)
NamibiaODA, $123.4 million (2005 est.)
Nauru$20 million mostly from Australia (2005)
Nepal$427.9 million (2005)
Neukaledonien$524.3 million annual subsidy from France (2004)
Nicaragua$471 million (2006 est.)
Niederländische Antillen$21.32 million; note: IMF provided $61 million in 2000, and the Netherlands continued its support with $40 million (2004)
Niger$515.4 million (2005)
Nigeria$6.437 billion (2005)
Niue$2.6 million from New Zealand (2002)
Nördliche Marianenextensive funding from US
Nordmazedonien$230.3 million (2005)
Oman$30.68 million (2005)
Pakistan$1.666 billion (2005)
Palau$23.46 million; note - the Compact of Free Association with the US, entered into after the end of the UN trusteeship on 1 October 1994, provides Palau with up to $700 million in US aid over 15 years in return for furnishing military facilities (2005)
Panama$19.54 million (2005)
Papua-Neuguinea$266.1 million (2005)
Paraguay$51.09 million (2005)
Peru$397.8 million (2005)
PhilippinenODA, $451.4 million in commitments (2006)
Pitcairninseln$3.465 million (2004)
Polen$1.524 billion in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2004)
Puerto Rico$NA
Réunion$NA; note - substantial annual subsidies from France (2001 est.)
Ruanda$576 million (2005)
Rumänien$914.3 million (2004)
Russische Föderation$982.7 million in FY06 from US, including $847 million in non-proliferation subsidies
Salomonen$198.2 million annually, mainly from Australia (2005 est.)
Sambia$504 million (2007)
Samoa$43.95 million (2005)
San Marino$NA
São Tomé und Príncipe$31.9 million in December 2000 under the HIPC program (2005)
Saudi-Arabien$26.29 million (2005)
Senegal$689.3 million (2005 est.)
Serbien$2 billion pledged in 2001 to Serbia and Montenegro (disbursements to follow over several years; aid pledged by EU and US has been placed on hold because of lack of cooperation by Serbia in handing over General Ratko MLADIC to the criminal court in The Hague)
Seychellen$18.81 million (2005)
Sierra Leone$343.4 million (2005 est.)
Simbabwe$367.7 million; note - the EU and the US provide food aid on humanitarian grounds (2005 est.)
Singapur$0 (2007)
Slowakei$235 million in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2004)
SlowenienODA, $484 million (2004-06); note: in March 2004, Slovenia became the first transition country to graduate from borrower status to donor partner at the World Bank (2004-06)
Somalia$236.4 million (2005 est.)
Spitzbergen$8.2 million from Norway (1998)
Sri Lanka$1.189 billion (2005)
St. Helena$29.56 million obtained in a grant from the United Kingdom (FY06/07)
St. Kitts und Nevis$3.52 million (2005)
St. Lucia$11.06 million (2005)
St. Pierre und Miquelonapproximately $60 million in annual grants from France
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen$4.89 million (1995); note - EU $34.5 million (2005)
Südafrika$700 million (2005)
Sudan$1.829 billion (2005)
Suriname$43.97 million; note: Netherlands provided $37 million for project and program assistance, European Development Fund $4 million, Belgium $2 million (2005)
Syrien$77.85 million (2005 est.)
Tadschikistan$241.4 million from US (2005)
Tansania$1.505 billion (2005)
Thailand$171.1 million (2005)
Timor-Leste$184.7 million (2005 est.)
TogoODA, $86.71 million (2005 est.)
Tokelaufrom New Zealand about $4 million annually
Tonga$31.75 million (2005)
Trinidad und Tobago$200,000 (2007 est.)
TschadODA, $379.8 million (2005)
Tunesien$376.5 million (2005)
TürkeiODA, $464 million (2005)
Turkmenistan$28.25 million from the US (2005)
Turks- und Caicosinseln$4.1 million (1997)
Tuvalu$13 million; note - major donors are Australia, Japan, and the US (1999 est.)
Uganda$1.198 billion (2005)
Ukraine$409.6 million (1995); IMF Extended Funds Facility $2.2 billion (2005)
Ungarn$302.6 million in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2004)
Uruguay$14.62 million (2005)
Usbekistan$172.3 million from the US (2005)
Vanuatu$39.48 million (2005)
Venezuela$48.66 million (2005)
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate$5.36 million (2004)
Vietnam$5.4 billion in credits and grants pledged by the 2007 Consultative Group meeting in Hanoi (2007)
Wallis und Futunaassistance from France, $NA
Welt insgesamtODA, $106.4 billion (2005)
Westjordanland$1.4 billion; (includes Gaza Strip) (2006 est.)
Zentralafrikanische RepublikODA, $95.29 million; note - traditional budget subsidies from France (2005 est.)
Zypernarea under government control: $59.86 million ; area administered by Turkish Cypriots: $700 million under a July 2006 agreement, Turkey plans to provide the area administered by Turkish Cypriots 1.875 billion YTL ($1.3 billion) over three years (600 million YTL in 2006, 625 million YTL in 2007 and 650

  • CIA World Factbook - Economic Aid - Donor; Datenstand 2008. Reihe wird nicht mehr aktuslisiert

  • CIA World Factbook - Economic Aid - Recipient; Datenstand 2008. Reihe wird nicht mehr aktuslisiert

