U.S. pollster Gallup conducted a survey in 152
countries to compare how people feel about their lives. Singapore ranks as
the world’s most emotionless society, behind Georgia, Lithuania, and Russia.
Singaporeans are unlikely to report feelings of anger, physical pain, or
other negative emotions. They’re not laughing a lot, either. “If you measure
Singapore by the traditional indicators, they look like one of the best-run
countries in the world,” says Jon Clifton, a Gallup partner in Washington.
“But if you look at everything that makes life worth living, they’re not
doing so well.”
Some of Gallup’s questions are straightforward. Evaluate your life on a
scale of zero to 10: Danes are the most satisfied and people from Togo in
West Africa are the least. No surprises, too, when Gallup asked people to
say whether life would be better or worse five years from now. The award for
most pessimistic goes to the inhabitants of Greece, ground zero of the euro
debt crisis. Last year, the people most likely to report feeling stress,
anger, sadness, worry, or pain were Iraqis. The most emotional nation? The
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Singaporeans are the least likely in the world to
report experiencing emotions of any kind on a daily basis. The 36% who
report feeling either positive or negative emotions is the lowest in the
world. Filipinos, on the other hand, are the most emotional, with six in
10 saying they experience a lot of these feelings daily.

Gallup measures daily emotions in more than 150 countries and areas by
asking residents whether they experienced five positive and five
negative emotions a lot the previous day. Negative experiences include
anger, stress, sadness, physical pain, and worry. Positive emotions
include feeling well-rested, being treated with respect, enjoyment,
smiling and laughing a lot, and learning or doing something interesting.
To measure the presence or absence of emotions, Gallup averaged together
the percentage of residents in each country who said they experienced
each of the 10 positive and negative emotions.
Negative emotions are highest in the Middle East and North Africa, with Iraq,
Bahrain, and the Palestinian Territories leading
the world in negative daily experiences. Latin America leads the world
when it comes to positive emotions, with Panama, Paraguay, and Venezuela
at the top of that list.
Behavioral indicators such as positive and negative emotions are a vital
measure of a society's wellbeing. Leaders worldwide are starting to
incorporate such behavioral-based indicators into the metrics they use
to evaluate their countries because they realize that traditional
economic indicators such as GDP and 40-hour workweeks alone do not, and
cannot, quantify the human condition.
While higher incomes may improve people's emotional wellbeing, they can
only do so to a certain extent. In the United States, for example, Nobel
Prize-winning economist Daniel
Kahneman and Princeton economist Angus Deaton found
that after individuals make $75,000 annually, additional income will
have little meaningful effect on how they experience their lives.
Consider this finding in the context of Singapore, a country with one of
the lowest unemployment rates and highest GDP per capita rates in the
world, but a place where residents barely experience any positive
emotions. This research shows that it will take more than higher incomes
to increase positive emotions or decrease negative emotions. Singapore
leadership needs to consider strategies that lie outside of the
traditional confines of classic economics and would be well-advised to
include wellbeing in its overall strategies if it is going to further
improve the lives of its citizenry.
Read more about Singapore's emotion
deficit in Bloomberg
For complete data sets or custom research from the more than 150
countries Gallup continually surveys, please contact
Survey Methods
Results are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews with
approximately 1,000 adults, aged 15 and older, in each country each year
between 2009 and 2011. For results based on the total sample of national
adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of
sampling error ranges from ±0.4 percentage points to ±3.8 percentage
points. The margin of error reflects the influence of data weighting. In
addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties
in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of
public opinion polls.
For more complete methodology and specific survey dates, please review Gallup's
Country Data Set details.